Offset: 0 (can be set to a higher number and it returns the conversations after that index, starting from 0)Īfter 20 conversations listed, the ChatGPT UI shows a Show more button which sends a request with offset=20 Getting the Conversation ID Please hang tight as we work on scaling our systems.", serviceStatus looks like this:
This is the some of the same data (excluding accessToken and expires, both relevant to an access token) you get using the method in Session data except you also get info about the country the user is located in and whether ChatGPT Plus is available in their location.ĮDIT: When ChatGPT returns a message like " We're experiencing exceptionally high demand. Data Session dataĪ request can be made to /api/auth/session (literally, in your browser, however cannot work in an iframe or fetch because it doesn't have a Access-Control-Allow-Origin set up) to access data like the following: Statsig is attempted to be loaded but CORS blocks it due to the Same Origin Policy (actually an effect of uBlock Origin). Sentry Analytics are requested for the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down feedback the user selects for a message periodically. Server information cannot be clearly found as the entirety of is routed through Cloudflare.

KaTeX_Size2-Regular.woff2 (+ Size1, Size3, Size4).KaTeX_Math-Italic.woff2 (+ Math-BoldItalic).KaTeX_Main-Regular.woff2 (+ Main-Bold, Main-Italic, Main-BoldItalic).This is a non exhaustive list of fonts that come from : The new fonts.txt file assumes the prefix of the URLs to be Warning All fonts in the previous list are no longer accessible at the endpoint. " The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter.".

" Something went wrong, please try reloading the conversation.".Leaving Feedback (on Regenerated Responses).Leaving Feedback on Messages (Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down).The process of asking ChatGPT a question.Contribute if you have something interesting related to ChatGPT Table of Contents A project by what happens under the hood with the ChatGPT web app.